November |
November 10 NEW SWEEP TEST OF BASSMAXX ZR18 CABINET YIELDS INSANE RESULTS! For some time, I've realized that I didn't have an up to date sweep on the "Earthquake" cabinets since the Bassmaxx ZR18s were installed. The response test was for the EVX-180Bs and is out of date. So I did a sweep test last night. Boy, was I surprised! Response was essentially flat to 14Hz. It seemed that no matter where I put the measurement microphone along the front of the cabinet, I always got pretty similar response. I posted the results on YouTube, along with a running count of the frequency. This was a low level measurement, with about 2.83vrms of signal across the four-ohm load. I can still remember the bad old days, where I'd be sweeping cabinets with Electro-Voice 18B woofers and the response would be down 18dB at 20Hz. How times have changed! This test was conducted from 40Hz to 14Hz. I chose not to waste time above 40Hz because I don't utilize these drivers much above 30Hz anyway.